Why the Emphasis on More Plant-based Foods? 

Agriculture is the second largest contributor of green-house gas emissions after energy, averaging approximately 11% of emissions globally and more in developed countries. Our consumption of animal protein and fat contributes significantly to GHG emissions, while causing the destruction of natural areas for grazing animals and for growing feed crops, with the resulting loss of … Read more

Three Things to Do Today:

Vote, then send 2 quick messages on housing to candidates.   Here are a couple of quick ways to tell candidates in today’s election that you care about housing. Whoever’s running—and especially whoever wins—should hear that message.  Message 1. We need more co-op housing: https://go.chfcanada.coop/webmail/306831/1393065444/99e485c2628e8ee7b74b4bb20b348f275e7e1ab67009408b13175d08bab0c8be Rental co-ops provide mixed-income communities, stable housing, and member control. … Read more

Ontario government spending on homelessness and new housing basically unchanged in a decade

A report by the Maytree Foundation shows that spending on affordable housing and homelessness is about where it was a decade ago. And current spending is only half of what’s needed to end chronic homelessness, which is a small part of the crisis of unaffordable and increasingly precarious housing. The chart at right shows that … Read more

Housing Platforms of the Main Parties in the February 27 Ontario Election

  Detail and sources (in alphabetical order) Allow fourplexes and four-storey apartments in neighbourhoods province-wide Allow mid-rise buildings ranging from six to 11 stories on transit corridors and main streets.  Work with nonprofits to build 310,000 new affordable non-profit and co-op homes, including 60,000 supportive homes with wraparound supports. (No time frame was given.)  Remove … Read more