8th Principle Work
Our congregation has been learning about racism and the experiences of BIPOC members of our congregation and society. A Series of Learning Letters is below to help guide anti-racism work.
Rev. Jamie Boyce continues the previous work set forth by Rev. Ingram by having Circle discussions as well as furthering our 8th Principle work. Please see our event calendar for more upcoming events!
Two exciting opportunities to learn more about Haudenosaunee perspectives!
Zoom event: Monday, March 31, midday, exact time to be determined. Join a Zoom circle hosted by Nations Uniting in Ohsweken. Their special guest will be Adrian Jacobs, who is Ganosono (Deer Lodge), Turtle Clan, Cayuga Nation, of the Six Nations Haudenosaunee Confederacy and does work in indigenous justice and reconciliation. Adrian will be offering teachings about the land and we are invited to join the circle to learn from him. In order to receive the Zoom link and exact time, please contact Pam Byers at pamb538@gmail.com. She will be sending out the link just before the event, once it is sent to her. Pam is the coordinator of the Truth and Reconciliation Learning Circle that meets monthly in Hamilton. All are welcome to join. In-person learning opportunity at the Hamilton Regional Indian Centre This is a day-long opportunity for Cultural Capacity Training with Brenda Jacobs. Lunch is included. Please…
8th Principle Resources on Palestinian Solidarity
8th Principle Resources on Palestinian Solidarity for worship service on January 19th, entitled “Anthems, Flags, Earrings, and Badges: Stories of Palestinian Solidarity in Process,” We encourage you to read one or more of the resources below: ▶ Unitarian Universalist Association “Solidarity with Palestinians” AIW (Actions of Immediate Witness): https://www.uua.org/action/statements/solidarity-palestinians ▶ Canadian Unitarian Universalists Demand Permanent Ceasefire in Israel and Gaza and Return of Hostages https://cuc.ca/project/cuc-demand-permanent-ceasefire-israel-gaza/ ▶ A Strategy to Better Discuss Gaza: The “Brave Community” approach https://kingdomofculture.substack.com/p/a-strategy-to-better-learn-and-talk ▶ Living Our Shared Values Amid Ongoing Violence https://www.uua.org/pressroom/press-releases/message-care?fbclid=IwY2xjawHpevxleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHfqKVe1Oxlqe4yaN8kiXQPWUCIlMWpV-HsFc1YIQO4LP0-HZ1PMLFZZhRQ_aem_uy1-zWHrYeGwHcLlQ0tMDg
Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. and Lincoln Alexander Days
You are invited to the African Caribbean Canadian Association (ACCA) Conversation Cafe on Sunday, Jan. 19th from 2-4 pm. There will be light refreshments, entertainment and table discussions focusing on the theme: “In a World Facing Rising Social Tensions, How Can Communities Come Together for Justice?” This is a free event, held at the ACCA Centre on 754 Barton St. East in Hamilton. Online participation is also available. For more details, click on the link below. https://accahamilton.com/events/
Ongoing Go Fund Me Support for Erixon Kabera’s Family
The Hamilton Police shooting of Erixon Kabera last November remains under SIU investigation, and the Kabera Family is still in need of your generous support as they pursue their own legal actions to find answers and justice. Please donate to the family’s GoFundMe by clicking here. https://gofund.me/8e6a1612
Opportunity to hear Brenda Jacobs from Hamilton Regional Indian Centre speak about Cultural Competency.
The Truth & Reconciliation Learning Circle hosts a monthly gathering at the Neighbour to Neighbour Centre, 310 Limeridge Road West, Unit 10 (turn left off Garth) on Mondays from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. The next meeting is on Monday, Dec. 2 with guest Brenda Jacobs from the Hamilton Regional Indian Centre speaking about Cultural Competency. Please register with Pam Byers (or ask to be put on her mailing list) at pam.awhamilton@gmail.com. Chat with Doyne Ahern, Anne Parker or Nancy Willson if you want more information.
Sultans of String
The film, Sultans of Sting is playing at the Westdale Theatre for Hamilton and area folks on Sun. Nov. 17 at 7:00 p.m. It is a collaboration with Indigenous Peoples and the talent is supreme. . For tickets: https://www.thewestdale.ca/event/sultans-of-string-walking-through-the-fire-2/ . The following website is a list of other areas in which they are performing or showing the film. https://sultansofstring.com/
In Memory of Murray Sinclair
The one who speaks to pictures in the sky I hope you have been able to hear the many tributes to this amazing Anishinaabe statesman, especially his memorial on the CBC on Sunday, Nov. 10th. Rarely are we blessed with such wisdom, sincerity and kindness from our leaders. When he spoke, you knew you would be hearing gems that would touch both your heart and your mind. I look forward to reading his recently published book: Who We Are: Four Questions for a Life and a Nation, available from the public library. The first time I heard him speak in person, almost a decade ago, he posed those four questions: Where do I come from? Where am I going? Why am I here? Who are we? His death is a great loss to the cause of justice in Canada but fortunately he leaves us with his greatest legacy: The Report of the Truth and…
November Book Recommendations
Here are two books available through the Hamilton Public Library that are worthy of your attention: . Susan M. Hill (2017), The Clay We are Made Of: Haudenosaunee Land Tenure on the Grand River This book was recommended by the Concerned Lay Catholics Book Club that some members of our congregation participate in. It is essentially a research document, written by Susan Hill from Six Nations, currently faculty member and Director of Indigenous Studies at the University of Toronto. For that reason, it is not an easy read, but well worth it for anyone who wants to understand the significance of the Land Acknowledgement that begins our services and meetings. In addition to clarifying the integral importance of land to members of Six Nations, the author provides a rich history and background to the various treaties and wampum agreements between the Grand River Haudenosaunee and European settlers. An essential read…
Josiah Henson Museum Trip a Huge Success!
Thanks to all who participated in this trip to the museum of African-Canadian History in Dresden, Ontario on Saturday, Aug. 17th. There were 40 participants: 22 seniors, 13 adults, 5 children/youth. Twenty-four (24) were members. Of the 16 non-members, nine (9) are connected to the church community, seven (7) are from outside this community. Special thanks to all those who completed the evaluation form. We had approximately a 60% return rate from adult/senior participants, assuming that some of the seven couples who attended submitted only one form. According to this feedback the trip was highly successful. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest (indicating the trip met my expectations completely) and 1 the lowest (didn’t meet my expectations), Fourteen people ranked it a 10, One ranked it a 9, Two ranked it an 8, One ranked it a 7. In response to question asking if they would…
Two Congregants attend Grassy Narrows Event in Toronto
Nancy Willson and Vernon Nawagesic attended this event held at Queen’s Park on Wed., Sept. 18th. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/grassy-narrows-mercury-justice-rally-2024-1.7327222