Our Unitarian Universalist Association’s “Solidarity with Palestinians” 2024 AIW (Action of Immediate Witness) identifies affirmation of solidarity with Palestinian safety, support, and self-determination as an expression of Unitarian Universalist values. Our Canadian Unitarian Council vision statement asks us to “envision a world in which our interdependence calls us to love and justice.” Featuring encounters with resonant objects and experience, members of the 8th Principle Committee and guests will offer personal reflections intended to stimulate curiosity and self-reflection. What do these calls to solidarity and interdependence mean for us in our individual and collective pursuit of spiritual wholeness and Beloved Community at First U Hamilton?
The service will be led by Gail Rappolt. Music ministry: Beverly Horton, Norm Ayerst, and friends
After the service, please join us for a “Listening Circle” and share your related stories and reflections.
We encourage you to read the “Solidarity with Palestinians” AIW Statement found here: https://www.uua.org/action/statements/solidarity-palestinians and the Canadian Unitarian Council’s ceasefire statement https://cuc.ca/project/cuc-demand-permanent-ceasefire-israel-gaza/.
All 8th Principle resources are HERE.