Julianna Beckett
Engaging in the Work White People Need to Do, Letter #6
The sixth in a series of Learning Letters to the congregation of The First Unitarian Church of Hamilton from Rev. Victoria Ingram This is the last learning letters I will be sharing with you. Their purpose has been to spark reflection and conversation about the actions we must take and the responsibilities we bear, as … Read more
Engaging in the Work White People Need to Do, Letter #5
The fifth in a series of Learning Letters to the congregation of The First Unitarian Church of Hamilton from Rev. Victoria Ingram Why do we HATE? My thoughts in this letter come from participating in the Listen-Learn-Act anti-hate summit, sponsored by No Hate in the Hammer. First, let me share with you some themes from … Read more
Protecting Hamilton’s homeless from COVID protects the city
Summary: By Tim O’Shea I want to tell you about something that didn’t happen in Hamilton for almost a whole year, even though it was happening in other North American cities for months. There were no significant COVID outbreaks in Hamilton’s homeless shelters and congregate living facilities for the first 11 months of the pandemic. … Read more