Saving affordable housing, one purchased building at a time

RentalRescue is one of the more intriguing organizations working to preserve existing affordable homes. Led by Krystal Valencia, RentalRescue buys for-profit apartment buildings with affordable rents, to preserve them at their existing rents. This saves buildings from being purchased by landlords intent on evicting affordable-rent tenants to raise the rent and maximize profits.  With financing … Read more

Helping tenants through the crisis while we wait for new affordable non-market homes

Helping tenants through the crisis while we wait for new affordable non-market homes The Maytree Foundation has recently proposed permanent housing benefits to bridge the gap between low incomes and high rents. The benefits would need to be supported by improved rent controls, including an end to unlimited increases when tenancies change, to limit rent … Read more

Doug Ford is right—and wrong—about his housing and homelessness funding 

Premier Doug Ford likes to brag that his government has invested more to deal with homelessness than any previous Ontario government. He’s right. But what he doesn’t say is that his governments’ total investments for homelessness and housing haven’t grown (except during the pandemic), so that as homeless investments have grown, investments in new supportive … Read more