Tell Doug Ford that housing is the solution to encampments, not tougher laws

The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness has a campaign—Homes, Not Handcuffs—that makes it easy to send a letter opposing Premier Doug Ford’s legislation to use tougher laws—and potentially use the notwithstanding clause—to override the human rights of those forced to live in encampments because there’s too little affordable and supportive housing. ➡  Join the campaign … Read more

Christmas Eve Offering: Be a part of Sacajawea’s most ambitious housing project so far

In 2025, Sacajawea Non-Profit Housing Inc. will start construction on a 40-unit apartment building at 204 Gage Avenue North, by far the most ambitious project yet for our housing partner. It is its largest building so far, and will house and provide enhanced supports and culturally appropriate healthcare to Indigenous people leaving homelessness or treatment … Read more

Economic Well-being is Highest in Non-market Rental Housing Compared to Private Market Rentals

A new study has found that the economic wellbeing of households in non-market rental housing is higher than that of renters with similar characteristics in private market housing or even renters in market housing who get rent subsidies. Read the summary here The summary includes a link to the full study.