Clothing Room Update

Volunteer Training, New People Welcome

1.  Are you interested in exploring the work of a Cashier in the Clothing Room, with the possibility of becoming a volunteer in this role?  Tove, the Clothing Room lead cashier, will give a brief orientation, Wednesday, February 12th at 2:00 PM., in the Clothing Room, 460 Wentworth St N, Hamilton.  RSVP (or just show up) to Tove Eriksen.

2.  If you are already a Cashier volunteer in the Clothing Room, you are invited to a refresher session on the Eva Rothwell Clothing Room Excel spreadsheet. to be held Wednesday March 5th at 2:00 PM in the Eva Rothwell Community Centre Clothing Room.  The session will be led by Tove, lead cashier. You’ll be welcome to share tips or ask questions. One example of what we’ll talk about is how to get that arrow to stop going round and round for 5 minutes sometimes when you search for a name. This session will show you how to fix this and other problems and prevent them from happening. If this time and place doesn’t work for you, feel free to contact Tove to make alternate arrangements at your mutual convenience.  RSVP (or just show up) to Tove Eriksen.