Remember to bring your donations for the Eva Rothwell Emergency Food Pantry this Sunday, Sept. 24th. Every bit makes a difference!
Suggested items include:
- Canned Fruit, Kraft dinner,
- Rice, Cereal bars, Canned Soup
- Pasta and Pasta sauce
- Peanut Butter, Ravioli/Spaghetti-os
- Cereal and after-school snacks
- Toddler diapers
- Toiletries
Clothing Donations:
It’s “Back to School” time. We need clothing for men and youth (size 6 to 16) as well as linens and towels. You can bring it to the church or contact Doreen at or Martin (if you live in Dundas) at
We look forward to your continued support of the Eva Rothwell Centre.
Clothing Room Webpage: