Gardens Resources


Resources to help backyard gardeners create environments that support our Carolinian growing zone plants and animals.

Carolinian Zone Plant Guide

This Carolinian Zone Plant Guide has been prepared by the Gardening Team at UUHamilton.

Ontario Native Plant Growers

This list of Native Plant Growers has been prepared by the Gardening Team at UUHamilton.

2020 Virtual Spring Conference

The goal of the Zoom Carolinian Gardening Conference is to help backyard gardeners make a difference in our community in preserving native species of plants, insects, birds and wildlife.

CLICK HERE for replay

Pollinator Garden Toolkits

CLICK HERE for toolkit

CLICK HERE for toolkit

In The Zone

In the Zone provides gardeners in Canada’s Carolinian Zone with the tools to gradually transform backyards into woodland, water and wildflower gardens for native wildlife.

Free gardening resources:
Receive advice from wildlife and gardening experts to cultivate habitat for warblers, frogs, owls, butterflies, bees and more.

Track your impact:
Using the In the Zone Tracker, gardeners can measure the progress we’re making together to restore lost habitats in this fragile ecoregion. Citizen monitoring makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of biodiversity and can reveal insights into the health of species in the Carolinian Zone.

When you join In the Zone, you can connect with a community of gardeners to share tips, exchange native plants and celebrate successes knowing you are making a difference where you live.

CLICK HERE to join In The Zone

By planting a single native oak, a patch of milkweed or growing an entire native plant garden, you’ll be taking the first step to creating an ecosystem in your yard that offers food and shelter to a diversity of bees, caterpillars, butterflies and birds. Explore strategies for transforming your garden for native wildlife.

CLICK HERE to download Welcome Garden Guide

The Four Seasons Guide of Wildlife Gardening, a step-by-step guide, allows you to start gardening at any point in the year. Just pick your starting season on the wheel and continue clockwise through your first year. You’ll find everything you need to know on how to get your wildlife garden started.

CLICK HERE to download Four Seasons Guide

Garden for Wildlife Webinars