Housing Platforms of the Main Parties in the February 27 Ontario Election


Detail and sources (in alphabetical order)

  • Allow fourplexes and four-storey apartments in neighbourhoods province-wide
  • Allow mid-rise buildings ranging from six to 11 stories on transit corridors and main streets. 
  • Work with nonprofits to build 310,000 new affordable non-profit and co-op homes, including 60,000 supportive homes with wraparound supports. (No time frame was given.) 
  • Remove development charges on homes, condos and apartment units under 2,000 square feet that are built within urban boundaries.
  • Extend rent control to buildings built since November 2018 that have been exempt, end vacancy decontrol that allows unlimited rent increases on vacant units and address “the misuse” of above-guideline increases. 
  • Increase requirements to ensure renovations actually require tenants to be evicted.
  • Remove the land transfer tax for first-time homebuyers.
  • Immediately double Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program rates and index them to inflation.

Sources: https://gpo.ca/legalize-it/ and https://gpo.ca/2025/02/06/ontario-greens-will-end-legislated-poverty/; https://gpo.ca/2024/04/15/aislinn-clancy-calls-on-government-to-pass-keeping-people-housed-act/ and https://gpo.ca/2025/02/03/ontario-greens-will-bring-down-costs-for-first-time-homebuyers/ 

  • Eliminate the provincial Land Transfer Tax for first-time homebuyers, seniors downsizing, and non-profit home builders—saving families and seniors on average $13,500 off the cost of a new home.  
  • Scrap Development Charges on new housing units under 3,000 sq.ft.—they can add up to $170,000 on the price of a new home—and replace them with the Better Communities Fund to ensure that the province invests in and benefits from sustainable municipal growth.  
  • Introduce fair, phased-in rent control similar to Manitoba, phasing in rent controls for buildings that have been exempted from controls since November 2018. “Rents will still be allowed to reset when units become vacant.” 
  • Resolve Landlord-Tenant Board disputes within two months 
  • Establish the Rental Emergency Support for Tenants (REST) Fund to help vulnerable renters avoid eviction during financial emergencies.  
  • Allow four-plexes and four-storey apartments anywhere in Ontario, as of right.
  • Double Ontario Disability Support Program rates and index them to inflation. 

This More Homes You Can Afford plan costs $3.6 billion. It will be paid for “by consolidating various ineffective, haphazardly developed provincial housing funds, including the elimination of wasteful programs like the Building Ontario Fund.” 

Sources: https://ontarioliberal.ca/more-homes-you-can-afford-bonnie-crombies-plan-to-make-housing-more-affordable/, https://ontarioliberal.ca/bonnie-crombie-promises-to-double-odsp/ and https://www.ctvnews.ca/toronto/article/ontario-liberals-push-for-fourplexes-in-housing-bill-proposal/ 


  • Bring back real rent control, applying rent controls to units build since November 2018 that are now exempt, ending rent decontrol that now allows unlimited increases when units are vacated, and ending above-guideline increases. 
  • Beef up the rules on evictions for renovations or demolitions and “fix the Landlord and Tenant Board”
  • Transfer financial responsibility for shelters from municipalities back to the province, while maintaining locally focused delivery by municipal service managers
  • Provide grants, low-cost financing, public land and other resources to help public, non-profit and co-op housing providers build or acquire at least 300,000 permanently affordable non-market rental units, as part of their Homes Ontario goal of 1.5 million new homes in 10 years.
  • Included among the affordable housing would be 60,000 new supportive housing units and more housing benefits to help people move out of homelessness. 
  • Legalize fourplexes and four-storey apartments in all neighbourhoods and mid-rise apartments along transit corridors, as of right. 
  • Double Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program rates. 

Sources: https://www.ontariondp.ca/news/marit-stiles-and-ontario-ndp-are-your-side-real-solutions-end-encampments https://www.ontariondp.ca/news/ndp-government-your-side-will-support-renters 

  • Provide another $5 billion for the Building Ontario Fund, for a total of $8 billion, to
    invest in housing, long-term care, energy, transportation and municipal infrastructure
    projects. The fund works with institutional investors and Indigenous communities to attract new investment for priority infrastructure in five areas: Long-term care, energy, transportation, municipal infrastructure and affordable housing
  • Invest another $2 billion in the Municipal Housing Infrastructure Program and the
    Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund to create infrastructure like roads and water systems that are needed to support new homes.
  • The Conservative government legislated allowing three units on any property but rejected four-plexes. 
  • Asked about doubling Ontario Disability Support Benefits, Premier Doug Ford responded that healthy people should be working, not staying home watching The Flintstones.

Source: https://ontariopc.ca/only-doug-ford-has-a-plan-to-protect-ontario-workers-by-investing-in-infrastructure/ and https://buildingonfund.ca/ and https://x.com/i/status/1888140918886158460