Marion Shares, Sup & Swap Party

Inspired by the recent Fast Fashion service, Marion Sneyd writes:

“Here is a win-win situation.  I was spurred on a few Sundays ago after hearing how producing clothes uses a lot of natural resources.  This creates greenhouse gas emissions which are responsible for climate change. 

This led to a Sup and Swap Party and there are two more planned.  (The host provides dinner – or it could even be a pot luck, and guests bring five or six pieces of clothing to swap as well as jewelry and accessories.)  It is a great way to get to know others at UU and leftover clothes can go to Eva.” 

Contact Marion Sneyd at  if you would like ideas about this.  



What a great evening! 

I attended this party, and it was a great evening!  Supper was delicious and I came away with a beautiful shawl.  Thanks Marion, for a great evening!  What a good strategy for reducing our footprint. – Doreen