December 2019

So here we are, again, in December – holidays are coming. They will be upon us whether we feel like celebrating or not, whether we anticipate grand gatherings or quiet times alone, whether we decorate and trim a tree or leave our spaces unadorned. And, of course, the “holidays” at this time of year are not limited to merely those hawked so commercially in the larger world around us. Jesus is not the only “reason for the season,” as they say. Other cultures and faiths mark this transitional time of year, as well.

The turning of the Starwheel. The cycle of the seasons. Each of these milestones in the year hold a special quality, a mood or set of expectations. In December, here in the True North, as we continue our journey through cold temperatures and accumulations of white, wet stuff, we think about the seasons ahead and talk with anticipation of the coming of spring. We watch the slow lengthening of the days, anticipating that time when the temperature no longer includes a minus sign.

And yet, winter won’t be over for quite awhile yet. For those who love the cold, who enjoy winter sports or just being in the crisp winter environment, this time has a special magic.

Canadians are really good at making the best of it. And still, it can seem like a very long and relentless time of the year. Even winter lovers (and tolerators) acknowledge that it can seem like it lasts forever.

How can we make use of this time, in the now? Is there a way for us to appreciate where we are in the Starwheel, fully allowing ourselves to embrace the possibilities of this season, instead of focussing on what we finally will be able to do in a few months from now?

The metaphor of nature in hibernation during winter’s cold is one we can engage to inform our spiritual path at this time of hear. Just as the natural world takes a rest from growth and productivity, so might we consider a plan to slow down and enter into a more contemplative space.

Sometimes it is good to rest, to let go of the constant need to be doing and actively accomplishing. Sometimes it is good to have quiet time, down time, time alone with our thoughts and our souls as we reflect on our lives, consider our dreams, or create a space of peace, acceptance, or resolve for ourselves. There is something soul-satisfying about a cozy curl-up, a warm beverage, unscheduled time, and engaging is a choice of relaxing pastimes.

If this is a gift-giving time of the year for you, give yourself a gift, as well, this year. A gift of space – in your thinking, in your schedule, in your relationships, in your spirit. In your time by not over-scheduling your days, but rather engaging in time with others that is filled with quality instead of quantity. Make it a gift of generosity with your soft, animal self by taking a bath or staying in those flannel sheets just a few minutes longer, perhaps enjoying the warmth of a fire or the feel of your toes in woolly slippers . Indulge your senses by tasting, feeling, hearing, or seeing new delights as well as time-honoured favorites. Make a new friend or ask an old acquaintance to join you for tea. Slow your life down to human speed, and find moments to love yourself, and life, just the way it is right now.

I hope you are blessed with a delightful month filled with peace, happiness, and times that restore your soul and fill you with love. Whatever holiday(s) you celebrate, I hope they bring you joy.

Love and light,
