Municipalities Need Help to Tackle the Crises of Homelessness and Lack of Affordable Homes

Demands are increasing for action to end encampments, end homelessness, and end the crisis of widespread unaffordable housing that is driving both. To date, the federal and Ontario governments have not stepped up with anything like the right scale of investment. Our Affordable Housing Team, working with St. Paul’s United, Dundas and others, will make the need for those investments the focus of our work this fall. 

But right now, you can quickly add your name to these two current campaigns for action:

  • Big City Mayors of Ontario, representing 70% of Ontarians, make the case that cities can’t solve the encampment crisis on their own. Burlington’s Mayor, Marianne Meed Ward leads this group and this campaign. 
  • Social Housing and Human Rights goes further, with a series of specific pitches for a large net increase in non-market, deeply affordable housing investments, needed to tackle not just homelessness (the tip of the iceberg) but lack of affordable housing options across Canada. 

Please send us a quick note at if you sign up to one or both. Thanks.