November Book Recommendations

Here are two books available through the Hamilton Public Library that are worthy of your attention:

Susan M. Hill (2017), The Clay We are Made Of: Haudenosaunee Land Tenure on the Grand River
This book was recommended by the Concerned Lay Catholics Book Club that some members of our congregation participate in.  It is essentially a research document, written by Susan Hill from Six Nations, currently faculty member and Director of Indigenous Studies at the University of Toronto. For that reason, it is not an easy read, but well worth it for anyone who wants to understand the significance of the Land Acknowledgement that begins our services and meetings.  In addition to clarifying the integral importance of land to members of Six Nations, the author provides a rich history and background to the various treaties and wampum agreements between the Grand River Haudenosaunee and European settlers. An essential read for anyone who is serious about understanding our relationship with the Indigenous people who are our close neighbours and on whose original land we live.
Jeffrey Wikinson and Raja Khouri (2023) The Wall Between: What Jews and Palestinians Don’t Want to Know about Each Other 
This is a ‘must read’ for anyone who is struggling with the complexities of the current situation in the Middle East. The book was released just four days before the invasion of Israel on Oc.t 7 last year. It is co-written by an American Jewish man, currently living in Guelph, ON and a Palestinian Human Rights Activist living in Toronto.
The following is an interview that the authors provided to Broadview (highly regarded magazine of the United Church of Canada).