Praise for our Housing Solutions Now! Event on May 6

“One of the most hopeful gatherings on housing that I have seen in a while.”
~A city councillor’s assistant.

“So informative, and really well thought out! Having tables, and refreshments helped to build community.  And of course including actions and addresses was very good. I liked everything.”
~ A member of EcoLocke

… and Sara Mayo of the Social Planning and Research Council said of Bill Johnston’s presentation:
“Such a helpful piece of research! Compiling all that into one document is so helpful.”

You can read Bill’s presentation HERE.


Lots of good ideas from the May 6th event 

Ideas presented at our May 6th Housing Solutions Now! event included:

  • more public land for affordable housing,
  • using the city’s AAA credit rating to issue bonds to raise money for housing,
  • creating a fund to buy land for housing as we do now for industry—and
  • much greater federal and provincial investments to build non-profit housing and to provide support services for people leaving homelessness.

Read the presentation from speaker Karl Andrus of the Hamilton Community Benefits Network HERE