September Theme: Seniors in Action

Seniors are great climate advocates. Seniors may have more time and a long-term view, including a concern for future generations. See this local opportunity for Seniors to engage in climate advocacy and direct action.

October 1st is National Seniors Day of Climate Action

Seniors in more than 50 locations across Canada are holding a climate action on October 1st, National Seniors Day in Canada and the International Day of Older Persons.

H350’s Elders 4 Climate Sanity (E4CS) are organizing the Hamilton area action, which will be held in Dundas at the “four banks” corner at King and Sydenham Streets, from 3:30 to 5pm on Tuesday, 1 October. Fossil fuels are killing us! Our goal is to stop the financing of earth’s destruction by big banks, the Canada Pension Plan, and government subsidies. We need to rebuild a healthy environment for future generations. Bring friends and family members of all ages, and props such as rocking chairs, walkers and canes to draw more attention to fossil fuel investments and our divestment campaign. 

Let’s rock on the bank block!




Click on image to enlarge.


Hamilton’s International Day of Older Persona Annual Event 

Sackville Seniors Centre – Tuesday, October 1st

   Register online for this free event: 
   Presentations on:

  • Hamilton City’s Climate Action Strategy
  • Info about a new Hamilton chapter of Seniors for Climate Action Now
  • Info on how the Climate Crisis is impacting the health of seniors