Standing in Support of Transgender and Trans Questioning Children

Members of the First Unitarian Church of Hamilton joined in solidarity with many others from across the city at the HWDSB school board offices to support transgender and trans questioning children. 

Below is a link to a form that was created by Fierte Pride. They are mapping allies / accomplices in the face of growing anti-trans hate, especially as it pertains to public education. Please have a look and sign on if you will as an org and as individuals. 

Recently, Premier Ford and Minister Lecce have both made public statements about parental rights, which may signal a policy change that would adversely affect transgender students is on the horizon in Ontario.

If such a change comes, we need to be ready. A few organizations and advocates, including Egale Canada, the Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto, The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, Kathleen Wynne, and others, have begun working together to make sure we are ready. 

One of our first steps is mapping our allies and distribution networks. Please consider completing this form so we can stay in touch, loop you into our plans, and protect trans students together.