Three Things to Do Today:

Vote, then send 2 quick messages on housing to candidates.


Here are a couple of quick ways to tell candidates in today’s election that you care about housing. Whoever’s running—and especially whoever wins—should hear that message. 

Message 1.

We need more co-op housing: Rental co-ops provide mixed-income communities, stable housing, and member control. And though they provide affordable homes, they often don’t face the (unfair) stigma that social housing sometimes does and which causes neighbourhood opposition to new buildings. 

Message 2.

People experiencing homelessness deserve dignity and they deserve homes: Homelessness is just the visible tip of the housing affordability crisis. But homelessness and the broader affordability crisis won’t be solved until we protect existing affordable homes and at least double the supply of social housing. This campaign is a small start. 

Both of these campaigns will direct your message to your local candidates.