Tour the Josiah Henson Museum of African-Canadian History
Join us in this wonderful intergenerational opportunity to explore our 8th principle work at the Josiah Henson Museum of African-Canadian History in Dresden, Ontario.  CYRE and the 8th Principle Work Team are using an Anti-Hate grant received by the church to sponsor this exciting trip.  It is highly recommended by Tim Versteeg as a trip for all ages to explore little known Black history in Ontario.
Explore the Josiah Henson Museum of African-Canadian History
Saturday August 17, 2024
Bus leaves First Hamilton at 9:30 am, returns at 5:30 pm
Bring your own lunch
Please Register by Wednesday June 26, 2024 by emailing/contacting Mary Eve
The cost of admission and a comfortable coach (with bathrooms) to the site and back is FREE for interested congregants. These costs are covered by the grant which is intended to further our 8th principle and anti-racism work.  Parents or caregivers must accompany children 18 and under.  Please register with Mary Eve from the CYRE team no later than Wed., June 26th.  
Once space on the bus is filled, we will still accept registrants, but they will need to provide their own transportation to and from the site (2.5 hour one way trip).  
Tentative plans include a departure from First Unitarian parking lot at 9:30 am, returning at 5:30 pm and will include comfort stops on both directions of the journey.  Participants will be asked to bring a picnic lunch. The actual tour will last approximately 1.5-2 hours.  This is a wonderful opportunity for families and people of all ages to learn and enjoy fellowship together.  If you have questions, please contact Mary Eve or Pat Dickinson