Unitarians at the Rainbow Week Rally at Hamilton City Hall May 17

About 70 people, including five from our congregation, joined a Rainbow Week Rally at City Hall last
Friday, part of a series of rallies across the country speaking out for a more free, equal and socially just
future — for 2SLGBTQIA+ people and everyone in Canada.

The rallies were organized by the Society for Queer Momentum nationally and locally, by Scarlet Gillespie of SWAP Hamilton and our congregation. We were urged to stand together for a Canada where “we aren’t divided by our differences but united in our diversity. Where all our families are safe and supported. Where politicians deal with the big issues facing our communities, instead of sowing division and fear to gain power.”

Scarlet and other speakers drew attention to the steps by Conservative governments like Alberta’s to discriminate against trans and other LGBTQ+ people. Michael Blashko of the Hamilton Community Legal Clinic called these actions “legislated violence.” Several speakers noted that federal Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre’s said he will use the constitution’s “notwithstanding” clause in ways that will override basic rights. Rev. Jamie was to speak but was ill. Other speakers were Chance Rashid, Cedar Hopperton and Caitlin Craven.

Photos: Doyne Ahern and Lyla Miklos, top; Monica Bennett with the church banner; Scarlet Gillespie (in red) speaking at the rally. Photos by Bill Johnston