Vision 2020: Envisioning Our Future

Canvass 2020 has come to a formal close! We have reached a total of $274,200, which is just $5,800 short of our goal. (If you have been meaning to submit your pledge but haven’t quite gotten around to it, you can still help us close the gap on our target.)

We are so grateful to all congregants that committed so generously to our operating budget for 2020. We know that it will be a successful year.

We are grateful to our amazing team of Canvass Callers, led by Sue Stewart-Greene: Elizabeth Beckett, Monica Bennett, Ed Canning, Joanne Dear, Mary Eve, Renate Manthei, Kath McIntyre, and Kelly Wolf! Many others were involved in making our Canvass campaign a success, and for all of you we also extend thanks! You know who you are!