Worship Service,
Sunday January 19th @ 10:30am


Anthems, Flags, Earrings, and Badges: Stories of Palestinian Solidarity in Process

Our Unitarian Universalist Association’s “Solidarity with Palestinians” 2024 AIW (Action of Immediate Witness) identifies affirmation of solidarity with Palestinian safety, support, and self-determination as an expression of Unitarian Universalist values. Our Canadian Unitarian Council vision statement asks us to “envision a world in which our interdependence calls us to love and justice.” Featuring encounters with resonant objects and experience, members of the 8th Principle Committee and guests will offer personal reflections intended to stimulate curiosity and self-reflection. What do these calls to solidarity and interdependence mean for us in our individual and collective pursuit of spiritual wholeness and Beloved Community at the First Unitarian Church of Hamilton? 

~This service will be led by Gail Rappolt and the 8th Principle Working Group. 

Note:  Following this Sunday’s service, the 8th Principle Committee invites you to join in a Listening Circle where you can share your own stories and reflections related to the service. A light lunch will be provided.

8th Principle Resources on Palestinian Solidarity:  View here

For details about future worship services please visit the Upcoming Services page.

All are welcome to join us in-person or online.

Join a Journey Group!

What is a Journey Group?

Simply put, Journey groups mend the threads of spiritual connection. Around us swirls a shallow, frantic and materialistic culture that leaves us cut off from our deepest self, life’s gifts and needs greater than our own. Many of us are hungry to mend these sacred connections that are frayed and worn thin. Journey Groups exist to support this journey of reconnection to life, others and our deepest self. We do this work of reconnection by listening.

Fundamentally, that’s what a Journey Group is, an invitation to listen more deeply and intentionally:

  • To other people: a gift that we don’t often receive in this culture. 
  • To our own life: we are often taught to see life as a challenge that needs to be conquered, rather than a journey to enjoy
  • To our deepest selves: introspection does not have to be solitary work, and we can often hear our own inner self when sharing with others.

Are you interested in finding out more?

For the next 3 months we will be offering 6 drop-in sessions, where you can try out the style of Journey Groups, before committing to a longer, regular gathering. Come to one, try out a few or come to them all!  View the drop-in session calendar on the registration page.

Visitor and Congregant Engagement - Meet 'n' Greet

The Visitor and Congregant Engagement team invites you to stay after the service on the first Sunday each month for Meet ‘n’ Greet. This is an opportunity for newcomers and seasoned attendees to be together for an hour to get to know each other and ask questions about our church. Refreshments will be available.

Land Acknowledgement

The City of Hamilton is situated upon the traditional territories of the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississaugas.  This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which was an agreement between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes.

As settlers we continue to benefit from the land and its gifts.  As settlers, we must ask ourselves how or if we have shared and cared for the earth and its gifts. Facing the truth is hard.  Truth must come before reconciliation.

seven Principles

Our beliefs are diverse and inclusive. We have no shared creed. Our shared covenant (our Eight Principles) supports “the free and responsible search for truth and meaning.”

CYRE kids in circle

Children & Youth Program

We seek an outcome of respectful, responsible, life-loving kids who are both curious and questioning and know they are valued for all of who they are and are ready to show others the same deep acceptance.

Read our most recent and past Newsletters.