Add Your Compassionate Voice to the City’s Community Consultation on Encampments

The city is seeking public input on whether to allow encampments of people experiencing homelessness. At a public presentation this week, hundreds of people showed up, most of them vehemently opposed to having homeless people living in tents near them. A few people spoke in support of those so marginalized that a tent is their home. 

Encampments are the result of our collective failure to provide adequate affordable housing and social supports.

Please consider:

    • Filling out the City of Hamilton’s survey by June 30, 2023 at to support allowing encampments, handling residents through a human-rights approach, rather than focusing on enforcement.
    • And you can also use Question 4, Do you have any ideas on how this protocol could be improved?, to say the city needs to do everything it can to make the Hamilton Alliance for Tiny Shelters project happen. As long as there are people sleeping outdoors, the HATS program to provide about 25 temporary cabin homes is needed. 

City of Hamilton Encampment Survey 
Deadline: June 30, 2023