Reflection from Poet Nicolette Sowder

We start the year with a reflection from poet and environmental educator Nicolette Sowder.     A poem by Nicolette Sowder May we raise children       who love the unloved things- the dandelions, the worm & spiderlings. Children who sense       the rose needs the thorn   & run into windswept days the same way they  turn towards … Read more

Inside Sacajawea Non-Profit Housing Projects that our Congregation has Supported Since 2016

Just before Christmas, Sacajawea Non-Profit Housing staff members Miranda Rappazzo and Lisa Pottruff graciously led members of our congregation on a tour of several of their buildings that have benefitted from donations by our congregation. We saw the cultural room at Sacajawea’s 23-unit building at 18 West Avenue South. From the street, the room is … Read more

2024 Queer Joy Potlucks 

Third Sunday of every month following the service– next one Jan 21  Open to all in the Queer community. A small selection of main dishes will be provided, please feel free to bring a salad or side dish, fruit etc. to round out the table.  You are welcome here; we look forward to sharing with … Read more

Begin the New Year with Veganuary!  

Veganuary is a charity inspiring people to try vegan for January and throughout the rest of the year.  Sign up for free: Everyone who takes part receives daily emails that offer meal ideas, recipes and lots of information to remind us of the importance of what we eat.