Two Great Learning Opportunities

‘Homelessness is a Housing Problem’:

An online discussion Tuesday February 13

Many things get blamed for homelessness. So, researchers Greg Colburn and Clayton Page Aldern looked at statistics to try to explain why homelessness rates vary so wildly across the United States. Data on mental illness, drug use, poverty, weather, generosity of public assistance, and low-income mobility didn’t explain the variations. What did were housing market conditions, such as the cost and availability of rental housing. Learn more by joining the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness and Greg Colburn for a discussion of his research and how it can be applied in Canada. Tuesday February 13 at 1 p.m. Register here!




Affordable housing in Hamilton: What are the answers? Wednesday February 21

Join Jeff Nevens of Indwell, Tom Cooper of the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction and Michelle Baird, Director of Housing for the City, for a discussion of what’s happening in Hamilton around housing and homelessness and what solutions are available that won’t take five years. February 21 at 7 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral on James Street North. Live or livestreamed on the Cathedral YouTube channel