Help Equip Sacajawea’s Newest Indigenous Homes 

You can help Sacajawea Non-Profit Housing equip its newest Indigenous homes  You may recognize the building in this photo as the old Pearl Company on Steven Street, a former factory that became a delightful entertainment venue from 2006 until 2020 when it was sold. Now, our housing partner, Sacajawea Non-Profit Housing, is converting it into … Read more

Third Sunday of the month

Our next Queer Joy Potluck is December 17th following the service.  Open to all in the Queer community. A small selection of main dishes will be provided, please feel free to bring a salad or side dish, fruit etc. to round out the table.  You are welcome here; we look forward to sharing with you.

Do you really need that Santa Claus cookie jar?

Limiting consumption or “buying less stuff” is an important way to reduce personal and household greenhouse gas emissions. Our collective consumer habits generate emissions here in Canada but also in other countries like China where many consumer items are produced. Holiday season gift buying tends to be a major focus of concern about environmental impacts.  … Read more