Changing for the Good

It is an exciting time to be a Unitarian Universalist! Our faith is undergoing a renewal and revival as we embrace a liberatory theology of love and respond to the call of our 8th Principle for “Individual and communal action that accountably dismantles racism and other oppressions in ourselves and in our institutions”.

Last weekend over 40 members and friends of The First Unitarian Church of Hamilton gathered on Zoom to learn from Paula Cole Jones. Paula is a leader in advancing the 8th Principle and serves on the Article II Study Commission of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Together, we learned about the possibilities of the 8th Principle to unleash the power of community among us, to create and sustain connections of belonging, and to manifest a multicultural, multigenerational, Beloved Community. We learned that the community of the future consists of spaces of radical belonging and inclusion – groups that make up the community of communities. It was a provocative and inspiring workshop. And there was palpable excitement and clarity of purpose to continue the work at the end.

Those that attended the workshop are invited to keep sharing their experience, lessons, and learnings with the teams, committee, groups, and gatherings throughout the congregation. Start brave and bold conversations that initiate change – remembering that even tiny and incremental changes lead to radical transformation.

In addition, we will soon receive recommendations from the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion auditor. These recommendations will also inform change and support the congregation in living its commitment to the 8th Principle.

Indeed, it is an exciting time to be a Unitarian Universalist

I am grateful for the leadership of Beverly Horton, our Board of Directors, and all those who gathered to learn, grow, and reimagine the “Big Tent” of our faith that welcomes, inspires, and challenges us to live our values powerfully in the world. Thank you for your time and commitment.

In faith,
Rev. Jamie

To learn more about the Community of Communities watch Paula Cole Jones’ presentation at the 2020 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association: