The shelves and racks at the Eva Rothwell Centre clothing room are getting low and are in need of items – clothing as well as linens and towels. Please reach out to friends and family for donations.
How to Donate:
Please bring your donations to the church. You may leave them in a clear bag, marked for Eva Rothwell in the coat room.
If you need assistance please contact Angela at liamolivia34@gmail.com or Martin (if you live in Dundas) at mdooley1947@gmail.com.
Interested in Volunteering?
If you are interested in volunteering at Eva Rothwell, please contact Karen Moore at krnmor45@gmail.com.
Website: https://www.evarothwell.ca/
Clothing Room Webpage: https://www.evarothwell.ca/community-resources-and-essential-services#clothing-room-and-emergency-food-pantry