Happy Holidays – Here We Go Again!

Dear Members and Friends,

What a whirlwind of a week it has been. We gathered on Sunday, December 12th and made a beautiful joyful noise together.  It was wonderful!  We discovered that we have the skills and capacity for delivering dynamic multi-platform worship that connects people of all ages. It took many dedicated people to make this happen, volunteers and staff, and I offer my heartful gratitude for the extra work and innovation required to launch this shared ministry into the world.
Sadly, less than 48 hours later the congregation had to take seriously the threat of Omicron in our area.  This led to the hard decision to move services back online starting December 19th.  The Blue Holiday service was timely as the world realized that this holiday season might feel a lot like last year.  Once again, hopes for gatherings and celebrations were dashed and we made another collective pivot.  It is exhausting to continually adjust our plans and expectations and return to the uncertainty of life in a pandemic.  It can also be very scary.
In response to the Omicron outbreak, starting in January, we will move our Sunday service production back to Zoom and discontinue livestreaming from the sanctuary.  We want all our volunteers and staff to stay safe as the Omicron wave moves through the community.  Congregational leadership will revaluate this plan in mid-January and assess next steps at that time. In addition, we will press pause on any in-person church activities as we continue to assess risk and community health restrictions.  Thank you for your ongoing kindness, generosity, and flexibility.  Know that we will keep providing programs and services that lift the spirit, challenge the mind, and connect each of us to the beloved community.
As I begin to prepare for a Christmas Eve, I notice a spark of hope in my heart. A spark inspired by the love and commitment shared by members and friends of this wonderful community.  I hope you feel that spark, too, and will light a candle in that spirit when we gather online to sing Silent Night on Christmas Eve.  In the days and weeks ahead may we keep gratitude close, may we hold a blessing for our world and for the earth, and may the light of love shine brightly among us.

In this season of ongoing uncertainty, if you would like a pastoral conversation, you can reach me at jamie@uuhamilton.ca and we can schedule a phone call or a zoom meeting.

In faith,
Rev. Jamie