Welcoming Congregation

Each of us has worth and dignity, and that worth includes our gender and our sexuality. As Unitarian Universalists (UUs), we not only open our doors to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, we value diversity of sexuality and gender and see it as a spiritual gift. We create inclusive religious communities and work for Two-Spirit LGBTQAI+ justice and equity as a core part of who we are. All of who you are is sacred. All of who you are is welcome.
The Welcoming Congregation Team is committed to supporting Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ congregants and community members through education, social engagements, and community partnerships.
Contact: welcoming@uuhamilton.ca
Letter of Public Witness to Redeemer University
December 15, 2022
Dear Redeemer University,
News of the tragic death by suicide of beloved queer sibling Bekett Noble at Redeemer University on November 23, 2022 calls us to speak out in love and with holy rage.
As Unitarian Universalists we believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and that all human beings are beautiful, whole, holy, and worthy of love. We believe that our lives are interconnected and that we are here to build a world of justice and inclusion for all people, a world where every person is beloved.
Bekett was an activist and advocate who sought to transform Redeemer University into a place where queer students can learn and grow in an environment that honours, respects, and values their humanity. As details surrounding Bekett’s death emerge, it is clear Bekett died because of the cruel and dehumanizing culture at Redeemer University. Bekett’s many attempts to alert faculty, staff, and University leaders to the culture of hate and violence harming students were dismissed and ignored.
Unitarian Universalists have long celebrated the full inclusion and affirmation of Two Spirit LGBTQAI+ persons in our faith and in our world. In 1979 we ordained an openly gay minister, and in 1988 ordained a transgender minister for the first time. We have provided education to our congregations on dismantling bias and creating communities of welcome for Two Spirit LGBTQAI+ people since 1989. We know that our work is not done and we continue to learn, grow, and openly engage feedback and accountability. We must also move our values into the world and advocate powerfully for change.
As people of faith, we call Redeemer University into accountability for the culture of cruelty that led to Bekett’s death. We encourage Redeemer to confront its institutional and systemic violence and aggression that targets, demeans, and dehumanizes all queer people who learn and work within its walls. Redeemer University cannot continue to hide behind a wall of silence, a silence that erases the human rights of Two Spirit LGBTQAI+ people at the University and in the world. Redeemer University must continue to listen to Bekett Noble and implement the recommendations they encouraged the university to adopt.
We will continue to proclaim the good news of a love that knows no bounds and welcome all who are seeking a place to be fully themselves to our faith community of love, hope, and justice.
Barb Wallace, President, The First Unitarian Church of Hamilton
Rev. Jamie Elaine Boyce, Interim Minister, The First Unitarian Church of Hamilton
Upcoming Events
The Welcoming Congregation Team is planning a virtual winter get-together for Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ congregants. Stay posted for details!
Past and Continuing Actions
Welcoming Congregation Designation
Since 1998, First UU Hamilton has been certified as a Welcoming Congregation. We aim to be actively welcoming and inclusive of individuals with marginalized sexual orientation and gender identities.
PFLAG Hamilton-Wentworth
In pre-pandemic times, our church has hosted the monthly meetings of PFLAG Canada, Hamilton-Wentworth, a support group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer adults and youth, since PFLAG formed in late 2016. We hope to continue hosting PFLAG in safer times.
An Evening with Ivan Coyote – 2019
A sold out crowd of over 300 people at the Westdale Theatre showed their appreciation for Ivan Coyote in the form of applause, laughter, tears, and quiet listening. And then there was more laughter. And more applause. Those in attendance had their hearts and minds opened a little wider. Wide enough to generously give over $900 to PFLAG. This event was made possible by the collaborative efforts of the First Unitarian Church of Hamilton, PFLAG, McMaster Gender Studies & Feminist Research Program, and the volunteers who ushered, staffed the book signing table and generally helped to make the evening the fun and successful night that it was. Thank you to all!
Gender Neutral Washrooms – 2018
In 2018, we installed new gender-neutral washroom signs developed with congregational feedback. Everyone deserves a comfortable, affirming bathroom experience!
Protocol for Gender Identity and Gender Expression- 2017
Our minister, Rev. Victoria Ingram, was part of a large delegation of faith leaders who appeared before city councillors in March 2017 to support the Protocol for Gender Identity and Gender Expression that city council subsequently unanimously adopted.