Eva Rothwell Centre came into existence when the members of Keith Neighbourhood, the community in which it is located, worked together to raise the funds to purchase the former Robert Land School when it was slated to be closed.
Since it opened, the Centre has worked to provide a variety of programs and resources for people of all ages from the Keith neighbourhood, one of Hamilton’s most economically disadvantaged communities.
A unique feature of Eva Rothwell is that ALL the programs are offered AT NO COST (apart from the Summer Camp which is offered at the highly affordable cost of $10 a week, which includes lunch).
Our church provides volunteers to help the Eva Rothwell Centre in the downtown core of Hamilton. We have renovated, managed, and provided weekly volunteers in the Community Clothing Room since 2015. Congregants volunteer on a weekly basis (2 to 3 hours per week) in the Eva Rothwell Centre and we always have a need for more.
Volunteer opportunities include:
- The Community Clothing Room where we sort and organize donations, help clients find selections, and ‘check clients out’ according to their monthly allotment (all clothing is free)
- Supporting children and youth in the daily breakfast program
- Additional volunteer opportunities as Eva Rothwell moves towards meeting strategic planning goals.
Over five years, 45 volunteers have participated and through various fundraisers, including the children and youth Holiday Sunday Service, the congregation has donated approximately $17,000 in addition to time, clothing, and food.
Our work at Eva Rothwell has never been just about supporting the Centre itself but also about serving the people who live in the Keith neighbourhood, and about personal spiritual growth for us as volunteers.
Contacts for more information:
- Doreen Knol (onsite management) doreen.knol@gmail.com
- Charlie Pond (volunteer coordinator) writingcharlie@gmail.com
For more information about Eva Rothwell CLICK HERE.